
Sam Sends

Sam Sends

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Equilibrium Auctions

Sam Sends
May 26
Correctly pricing an NFT mint is difficult. Like any economic system, there exists a delicate balance between supply, demand, and price. Equilibrium Auctions are an attempt at dynamically changing price with demand. You can think of these auctions like a generalization of Gradual Dutch Auctions or a hybrid between a bonding curve and a dutch auction.
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Elastic Governance Tokens

Sam Sends
January 19
DAOs tend to asymmetrically reward early contributors. These early contributor take on more risk, and ultimately impact whether a DAO succeeds. However, the downside of this is that later members are less-incentivized to contribute.
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Little Free Library (for NFTs)

Sam Sends
November 08
Have you ever seen those little free libraries? They look something like this…